News Archives

Membership Details for week 12 of year 2007

Posted by @ 26/03/2007

Congrats to ...
 ... Flavien Pallucco (SAB350) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Piet Beernaert (SAB248) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
 ... Steve Vanroelen (SAB316) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Hrvoje Mičuga (SAB440) for his promotion to Student 2
 ... Michele Fabbiano (SAB257) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Vic Barros (SAB058) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... David Cludts (SAB463) for his promotion to First Officer R
 ... Gunther Salme (SAB059) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Dirk Rawoens (SAB291) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Madison Holmes (SAB292) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
 ... Karl Sawdy (SAB418) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Frank Phlippo (SAB019) for his promotion to Senior Captain LR
 ... Iwan Plovie (SAB055) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Nick Claeskens (SAB220) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Guy Vanhemel (SAB145) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Brian Hankey (SAB245) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Bert Haeck (SAB218) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Didier De Coster (SAB164) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Rick Dwyer (SAB383) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Ewout Van De Genachte (SAB130) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Stephen De Graef (SAB169) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... David Cludts (SAB463) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Cédric Moyson (SAB022) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Bart Embrechts (SAB129B) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Gil Carneiro (SAB367) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Karl Sawdy (SAB418) for his promotion to First Officer R

Welcome to ...
 ... Wim Vangoidsenhoven (SAB512)
 ... Martijn Balcaen (SAB023)
 ... Jinphil Cho (SAB501)
 ... Cédric Moyson (SAB022)
 ... Tanmay Anand (SAB030)
 ... Lien Van Leuvenhage (SAB035)
 ... Tom Brackx (SAB046)
 ... Wilmet Nicolas (SAB051)