News Archives

Membership Details for week 21 of year 2006

Posted by @ 29/05/2006

Congrats to ...
 ... Kurt Van Der Speeten (SAB230) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Eric Van Cleemput (SAB107) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Adam Lako (SAB247) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
 ... Tom Cautaerts (SAB096) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
 ... Christopher Reilly (SAB109) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Stephan Bauwens (SAB271) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Juvenal Cabral (SAB043) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Michael Roels (SAB191) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Sam Dogbatse (SAB306) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Koen Wijns (SAB269) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Tom Newell (SAB156) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Michaël Bitu (SAB284) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Pedro Sá (SAB137) for his promotion to Captain R

Welcome to ...
 ... Seppe Omloop (SAB348)
 ... Daniel Wetterstrom (SAB350)
 ... Sacha Kapuscinsky (SAB405)
 ... Rudi De Raet (SAB416)
 ... Alexander Fordham (SAB457)
 ... Eric Van Cleemput (SAB107)
 ... Jax Van Laethem (SAB259)
 ... Adrie Van Den Berg (SAB264)
 ... Maurizio Barraco (SAB280)
 ... Carlos Gonzalez (SAB287)
 ... Marc Wauters (SAB036)
 ... Seck Alioune (SAB354)
 ... Ryan Spicer (SAB362)
 ... Yoeri Lebon (SAB358)
 ... Kuno Chiteji (SAB364)
 ... Thomas De Clercq (SAB365)
 ... Krisztian Kovacs (SAB356)