News Archives

Membership Details for week 1 of year 2006

Posted by @ 09/01/2006

Congrats to ...
 ... Julien Hougardy (SAB369) for his promotion to First Officer R
 ... Tom Newell (SAB156) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Jacques Malan (SAB427) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
 ... Hans Frederickx (SAB172) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Gilbert Goossens (SAB396) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Kristof Van Den Berghe (SAB509) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Nicolas Douiliez (SAB240) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Bernard Mortier (SAB130) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Avi Graceville (SAB085) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Gilbert Goossens (SAB396) for his promotion to Second Officer R

Welcome to ...
 ... Christophe Severijns (SAB237)
 ... Bert Van Echelpoel (SAB250)
 ... Stephan Bauwens (SAB271)
 ... Julien Cordon Ramos (SAB276)
 ... Ramón Vargas (SAB217)
 ... Harry Richard (SAB277)
 ... Joel Wright (SAB278)
 ... Peter Depypere (SAB004)
 ... Rick Dwyer (SAB383)