News Archives

Membership Details for week 43 of year 2005

Posted by @ 31/10/2005

Congrats to ...
 ... Pieter Van Roosbroek (SAB118) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Roger Wijns (SAB034) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Benny De Clippeleir (SAB425) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Stephen Ellis (SAB056) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Dirk Teetaert (SAB190) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Jurgen De Petter (SAB153) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Karel Bollen (SAB108) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
 ... Ben Groothuis (SAB078) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Stephen Ellis (SAB056) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Koen Roosen (SAB264) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Dave Chenery (SAB222) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Stephen Ellis (SAB056) for his promotion to First Officer R
 ... Ricardo Santos (SAB407) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Ben Jacobs (SAB075) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Ricardo Santos (SAB407) for his promotion to Second Officer R

Welcome to ...
 ... Johan Tavernier (SAB416)
 ... Vincent Danhier (SAB418)
 ... Joseph Miracle (SAB119)
 ... Lotthior Geert (SAB133)
 ... Aaron Blinka (SAB127)
 ... Raymond De Jager (SAB144)
 ... Stef Casier (SAB162)
 ... Michael Holmes (SAB284)