News Archives

Membership Details for week 40 of year 2005

Posted by @ 10/10/2005

Congrats to ...
 ... Ben Groothuis (SAB078) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... Dave Chenery (SAB222) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Jean-paul Jacquet (SAB037) for his promotion to First Officer LR
 ... Renzy Horrie (SAB244) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
 ... Koen Roosen (SAB264) for his promotion to First Officer R
 ... Clive Cox (SAB262) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
 ... Steven De Backer (SAB293) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Frank Meuris (SAB414) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Yann Mazzocchin (SAB298) for his promotion to First Officer MR
 ... John Littleford (SAB040) for his promotion to Captain LR
 ... Paulo Barbosa (SAB143) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
 ... Tony Tondeleir (SAB485) for his promotion to Captain LR

Welcome to ...
 ... Richard Rönhovde (SAB356)
 ... Tor Bergman (SAB358)
 ... Patrick Van Den Bemt (SAB361)
 ... Spenc Walters (SAB362)
 ... Geoff Chilton (SAB360)
 ... Máté Takáts (SAB363)
 ... Pieter De Beule (SAB364)
 ... Vasilis Kolovos (SAB365)
 ... Tom Pieters (SAB367)
 ... Eddy Van Der Weij (SAB370)