News Archives

Promotions for the Week 27 of the Year 2004

Posted by Kenny Moens (SAB94K) @ 05/07/2004

Congrats to ...

Andrew Green (SAB023) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Edward De Medts (SAB017) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Jo Boerjan (SAB375) for his promotion to First Officer MR
Peter De Roose (SAB215) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Ricardo Alves (SAB232) for his promotion to First Officer R
Dirk Baroen (SAB090) for his promotion to Captain LR
Colin Andries (SAB248) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Johan Vandendaele (SAB083) for his promotion to Captain MR
Danny Stes (SAB319) for his promotion to First Officer R