News Archives

Promotions for the Week 44 of the Year 2003

Posted by Kenny Moens (SAB94K) @ 03/11/2003

Congrats to ...

Emmanuel Steinhauser (SAB066) for his promotion to Captain LR
Marcus Carhult (SAB050) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Alain Debrouwer (SAB007) for his promotion to First Officer MR
Martin Standaert (SAB217) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Luc Berckmans (SAB178) for his promotion to Captain Second Class LR
Walter Peeters (SAB249) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Michael Lorigiola (SAB214) for his promotion to Captain MR
Jean-Paul Wagemakers (SAB051) for his promotion to Captain R
Simon Soussan (SAB062) for his promotion to First Officer R
Marcus Carhult (SAB050) for his promotion to Captain MR
Luigi Bevilacqua (SAB100) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
Guido Pletincx (SAB131) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Stéphane Paulus (SAB105) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Chris Van Kwikkelberghe (SAB127) for his promotion to Captain MR
Patrick Therer (SAB306) for his promotion to Captain LR