News Archives

Promotions for the Week 34 of the Year 2003

Posted by Kenny Moens (SAB94K) @ 25/08/2003

Congrats to ...

Tomasz Misiaszek (SAB117) for his promotion to First Officer R
Wim Poppe (SAB018) for his promotion to First Officer LR
Hugo Costa (SAB113) for his promotion to First Officer MR
Tomasz Misiaszek (SAB117) for his promotion to Captain R
Stefaan Phlippo (SAB073) for his promotion to First Officer R
Jonas Vanlaer (SAB053) for his promotion to First Officer MR
Bernd Staes (SAB110) for his promotion to Captain MR
Pedro Teixeira (SAB205) for his promotion to Captain R
Luc Lefevre (SAB019) for his promotion to Captain LR
Andy Terzig (SAB145) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Mathieu Verhaeghe (SAB081) for his promotion to First Officer R
Nicolas Athanassiades (SAB106) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
Tom Leuckx (SAB218) for his promotion to First Officer R
Hugo Costa (SAB113) for his promotion to Captain MR
Rudi Rez (SAB149) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
Xavier Piérard (SAB092) for his promotion to Second Officer R