News Archives

Promotions for the Week 15 of the Year 2003

Posted by Kenny Moens (SAB94K) @ 14/04/2003

Congrats to ...

Alok Devkota (SAB089) for his promotion to First Officer R
Jeremie Peidro (SAB054) for his promotion to Captain LR
Stuart Johnston (SAB141) for his promotion to Captain MR
Stephan van Gastel (SAB169) for his promotion to First Officer MR
Stephan van Gastel (SAB169) for his promotion to Captain R
Stephan van Gastel (SAB169) for his promotion to First Officer R
Mathieu Meunier (SAB180) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Danny Appeltans (SAB101) for his promotion to First Officer R
Wim Poppe (SAB018) for his promotion to Captain MR
Pierre Laboulle (SAB032) for his promotion to First Officer R
Bram Callewier (SAB022) for his promotion to Second Officer R
Leo Frost (SAB078) for his promotion to Captain MR
Paulo Galhardo (SAB102) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR
Christophe Goelen (SAB-FM2) for his promotion to Captain First Class LR