News Archives

Membership Details for week 30 of year 2007

Posted by @ 30/07/2007

Congrats to ...
 ... Roland Scherrens (SAB521) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Fred Detromont (SAB513) for his promotion to Student 2
 ... Roland Scherrens (SAB521) for his promotion to Student 3
 ... Serge Van Laethem (SAB412) for his promotion to Senior Captain LR
 ... Eric T. Schellekens (SAB551) for his promotion to Student 2
 ... Eric T. Schellekens (SAB551) for his promotion to Student 2
 ... Filip Jonckers (SAB77F) for his promotion to Captain MR
 ... Carlos Gonzalez (SAB287) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Marianne Reyniers (SAB609) for his promotion to Captain R
 ... Leonid Genkin (SAB547) for his promotion to First Officer R
 ... Wim Vangoidsenhoven (SAB512) for his promotion to Second Officer R
 ... Roland Scherrens (SAB521) for his promotion to Student 2

Welcome to ...
 ... Robert Canes (SAB503)
 ... István Kis-pál (SAB501)
 ... Joris Vandebosch (SAB494)
 ... Ziggy Mario (SAB495)
 ... Thomas Jonkers (SAB496)
 ... Kevin Munro (SAB497)
 ... Sander Ardinois (SAB498)
 ... Nadeem Ibrahim (SAB492)